Thursday, September 11, 2008


These past few weeks have been weeks of decision. I call them that because it seems like Curtis and I were forced to make some pretty serious decisions recently. One is moving to Kansas City. I am so excited to be back close to family... however, I will miss my friends here. But moving back to KC is a pretty big jump for us. It is kind of like we are officially moving on from being "college kids" to a family out there in the world. Sounds weird, I know... but it has felt that way to me lately. Once January comes, we are endeavoring into a new stage in life.
Another decision is one still in our hearts and minds, and that is being missionaries in Taiwan. We have seen a need that we could fill, if only we had the guts to sacrifice what was needed to do it. I am talking about opening up an orphanage in Taipai, Taiwan. They've been looking for a family willing. We are willing. Time will tell, but if we do it would be sometime in the next 10 years.
The last decision I'll talk about here has to do with Curtis' job. Right now, Curtis is being pressured to be put in a situation that neither of us are comfortable with, a situation that is dangerous. To protect himself and his family, Curt may have to part ways with Presbyterian Childrens' Services. Please keep our family in prayer about that situation.
In fact, I appreciate the prayer about all these situations! I know that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective (James 5)... so thank you!

I thought I'd lighten the mood here with a picture of my Joshua (for some reason I've been absentmindedly calling him "Joshybug"...hmm....)
