Saturday, July 19, 2008

So you may know more about me

And because I didn't know what else to write about on here.

A is for age: 20
B is for beverage of choice: water, tea, coffee
C is for career: mother/homemaker
D is for dog's name: we don't have a puppy yet...
E is for essential item you use daily: now that I have a child, probably soap, lol
F is for favorite TV show: The Office is the only one I know and like
G is for game, your favorite: 007 Golden Eye for N64
H is for hometown: Belton, MO and Olathe, KS (divorced parents = two hometowns)
I is for instruments, what can you play: ha, used to be able to play many, now its nothing
J is for juice, what is your favorite: apple
K is for kicking butt, whose do you want to: Obama? Nah, nobody.
L is for last kiss: if you mean "real kiss", its of course Curtis, but if just a kiss, then Joshua
M is for marriage: yes, marriage does start with an M... and yay for marriage!
N is for number of piercings: ones that are open, 4, two in each ear
O is for overnight hospital stays: none...except when I would stay overnight with my mom...if that counts, then countless times
P is for people you were with today: Curtis and Joshua
Q is for quiet time, how do you spend it: praying, reading, cuddling, sleeping
R is for regret, what's your biggest one: my daily sin
S is for status: married 
T is for time you woke up today: 7am, then 11am
U is for unique, how are you unique: Not sure... God made me the only one of me? 
V is for vegetable you love: bell peppers, carrots
W is for worst habit: compusively cleaning out Joshua's nose, disgusting I know
X is for x-ray's you've had: chest, abdomen, dental
Y is for yummy food you ate today: raisin bran cereal and milk
Z is for zodiac sign: pssh, I change this one to: Z is for zoos that you've been to: Kansas City Zoo, Omaha Zoo, St.Louis Zoo

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How a 3 month year old teaches me

5 Things I Have Learned From Joshua >

1. All of us start out completely and utterly helpless.
2. Babies can look like old balding men sometimes.
3. Oftentimes our physical "flaws" or "imperfections" make us unique and give us character (i.e. Joshua's enormous left ear).
4. Baby fingernails are almost impossible to trim. At least for me. 
5. We are all like babies. God may be doing something unpleasant in our life to help us or save us from something, but we only see through our limited understanding. When I use the bulb syringe to suck out all the snot from Joshua's little nose, he screams like no other. What he can't see is that I am doing this unpleasant activity not to torture him, but to make his nasal passage clear so he can breathe well. Once it is done and he realizes that he can breathe again, he is filled with happiness. Remind you of anyone?