Saturday, July 19, 2008

So you may know more about me

And because I didn't know what else to write about on here.

A is for age: 20
B is for beverage of choice: water, tea, coffee
C is for career: mother/homemaker
D is for dog's name: we don't have a puppy yet...
E is for essential item you use daily: now that I have a child, probably soap, lol
F is for favorite TV show: The Office is the only one I know and like
G is for game, your favorite: 007 Golden Eye for N64
H is for hometown: Belton, MO and Olathe, KS (divorced parents = two hometowns)
I is for instruments, what can you play: ha, used to be able to play many, now its nothing
J is for juice, what is your favorite: apple
K is for kicking butt, whose do you want to: Obama? Nah, nobody.
L is for last kiss: if you mean "real kiss", its of course Curtis, but if just a kiss, then Joshua
M is for marriage: yes, marriage does start with an M... and yay for marriage!
N is for number of piercings: ones that are open, 4, two in each ear
O is for overnight hospital stays: none...except when I would stay overnight with my mom...if that counts, then countless times
P is for people you were with today: Curtis and Joshua
Q is for quiet time, how do you spend it: praying, reading, cuddling, sleeping
R is for regret, what's your biggest one: my daily sin
S is for status: married 
T is for time you woke up today: 7am, then 11am
U is for unique, how are you unique: Not sure... God made me the only one of me? 
V is for vegetable you love: bell peppers, carrots
W is for worst habit: compusively cleaning out Joshua's nose, disgusting I know
X is for x-ray's you've had: chest, abdomen, dental
Y is for yummy food you ate today: raisin bran cereal and milk
Z is for zodiac sign: pssh, I change this one to: Z is for zoos that you've been to: Kansas City Zoo, Omaha Zoo, St.Louis Zoo


ScribblinScribe said...

You didn't have to stay overnight when you had Joshua? Amazing...